Smilelign Update

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Just a quick update to let you all know how i'm getting on with my treatment.  
I'm currently on my last lower aligner; number six. I'm due to finish with aligner number six on Thursday and i should also be finished the whole of my Smilelign treatment but i'm not too sure if that's going to happen now. 

I've had a few problems with my last upper aligner. Firstly it cracked and then snapped in half so i went back to visit my dentist and he took some more impressions which he got them sent off so i'm currently waiting on my new aligner which is due to come in when i visit him on Thursday.  It's  so annoying as my uppers are so close to been finished! I have the smallest movement left with my upper two front teeth and then they will be finished! I'm currently wearing half of the upper aligner that broke, i was told it's better that i should carry on wearing half of the aligner to stop my teeth moving further whilst i wait for the new one; the only problem is, is that it gives me a bad lisp and has cut the side of my mouth a few times.  I'm hoping once i get this new aligner that it doesn't crack again and that i only have to wear it for a few weeks and then i'm finished!

I'm still so happy with the results I'm seeing. I guess I'm  just getting impatient and wanting to see the finishing results! It will all be worth it in the end to have perfect straight teeth! 

I will post a quick update with how things go when i go for my visit on Thursday. 

Smilelign- How i clean my aligners.

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I thought i'd do a little post about how to clean clear aligners. Over the last few months i've found many useful tips and tricks on how to keep my aligners clean and hygienic.

What i use:
*Brace/aligner toothbrush
*Small pack of toothbrushes
*Nitradine Disinfecting tablets
*Sensodyne Pronamel Extra Freshness Toothpaste

I firstly picked up a brush that is specifically designed for braces and aligners, the brush head is a lot smaller and softer so you can get a good clean on your aligners and most importantly it does not scratch them. I brought this brush from my dentist for £1 but i'm sure you can pick them up in places like Boots. 
I also decided to pick up a pack of smaller brushes in Boots so i could get a really good clean on my aligners. (Can you tell that i'm slightly over the top with the whole cleaning process, i'm just so worried about food still been in the aligner and decaying my teeth.)

My dentist advised me on what i should be cleaning my aligners with. When i got my Smilelign aligners and box i was given a box of Nitradine disinfecting tablets that are designed for dentures and removable dental appliances. These tablets are priced at £13.99 for a pack of twenty which is a 10 week supply. My dentist told me to keep these tablets safe and not to use them until i get my final set of aligners as these are going to be with me for many years to come. In the meantime with my current aligners that i'm changing every three weeks i've been cleaning them with soap and water, it's been very hard not to clean them with toothpaste as i feel that this would give them a better clean but i was strictly told not to do this and that i can scratch my aligners which i definitely don't want. I clean my aligners in the morning after breakfast, after lunch and then after dinner before i go to bed. 

Since having the clear aligners i've noticed at certain points of the treatment my teeth have been feeling rather sensitive especially when i move onto the next aligners and i've found Sensodyne Pronamel toothpaste really good. I can definitely notice the difference in terms of sensitivity after i use the toothpaste. 

I hope this posts helps a few of you out there with clear aligners especially if you are new to the system.

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