
Well i thought there was nothing like writing my first post about my current problems in my life! UNIVERSITY is all i can think about at the moment. I'm currently enrolled on a BA in Photography but i'm not loving the course which has left me in the dilemma of where to go from now on. Everyone around me is either at University or is starting this year including my younger sister who is going to study Law at Oxford Brooks. I feel like i'm getting "old" as i'm twenty and a lot of people who were in my year at school and college are in their final year of their degree where i haven't even decided what i want to do!

I just am finding it hard to pick one degree to study as most days i wake up wanting to take a different career path! I'm forever thinking what if i was a journalist, photographer or worked in the fashion industry  i just can't decide where i want to go but all i know i can't do every career that pop's into my head! 

I really just need to have a good think and be quick about it too as we are pretty much in the middle of September. Where is this year going?! 

I'd love to hear if anyone is stuck in the same boat as me!


  1. Congratulations on your first post.
    Its a shame you dont like your course! I hope to go to Oxford Brooks it is near to where I live and apparently a great uni!

  2. Thank you for the comment!
    I've heard great things about Oxford Brooks! Any ideas what you want to study?


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