Boots 75% sale.

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I'm sure most of you are aware of my LOVE towards Boots stores! After christmas they always discount all the christmas gift sets to 50% i always pick up a few after christmas but then a few weeks into January they then discount what they have left down to 75% off. I was there yesterday morning at my local boots store at 9am ready for all the bargains! I feel like i was very reserved compared to some people who had trolleys and massive blue boots bags full of stuff! I've never quiet seen anything like it! People weren't rude but they knew what they wanted and they wanted a bargain! People were pilling things into trolleys and baskets like there was not tomorrow! My best purchase was the St. Tropez sets, i picked up 4 to get me through the summer! They were reduced to £5 each for a full bottle of body tan and a bottle of face tan        (that i'm yet to gut up and try out! I've never tanned my face!) I was so pleased with my little bargains!

Did any of you get any bargains from the sale?


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