Smilelign - Getting the moulds taken & going for a fitting of mypre-aligners.

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After the 10 minute chat with my dentist i decided to go ahead with the treatment and he booked me in for a half hour appointment to have the moulds taken of my teeth. These moulds would then be sent off to the Smilelign laboratory and 3D images are produced. These 3D images are very important as they help make up a treatment plan that is suited to your teeth. It helps determined how serve your case is, how many aligners you will need and it is a nice touch to see these 3D images of how your teeth are going to move over the next few months.

I was slightly nervous about getting the moulds done at first because i wasn't sure what to expect but my dentist is fantastic and explained to me what to expect and the process before he started. Firstly he took a mould of my upper teeth, he made this paste which felt a bit like chewing gum been placed on my teeth, i had to keep my mouth open for about 5 minutes until the paste became hard and the dentist then popped this mould out of my teeth. He then repeated this process on my bottom teeth and then made up some more paste and placed this in the moulds he had just taken and then placed the moulds back in my mouth to make a more precise mould. He then made another paste and placed this on my bottom teeth and made me bite my teeth together which gave him a mould of my bite. I then left him with the moulds and he sent them away and i went back in two weeks time to get a fitting of my pre-alligners. I had to pay £250 for this appointment as it covered the cost of the moulds but it  was a commitment that i wanted to go ahead with the treatment before they made all the aligners and i said i didn't want to go ahead with the treatment.

I went back excited to this appointment to see what he had to say and try my pre-aligners. He explained that my case wasn't severe and that i would need 5 aligners for my upper teeth and 8 aligners for my bottom teeth, each aligner should be worn for a minimum of three weeks before moving onto the next aligner. Smilelign believe that before they make all the aligners and realise that they don't fit that it best to make a pre- aligner, you go for a fitting to make sure that it fits correctly and then your dentist lets them know if there are any changes that need to be made before they make the full set.  It also gives you time to get use to wearing the actual aligners before you get the aligners that start moving your teeth.

When i went for the fitting he put them in my mouth and they fitted fine but were very tight on my teeth even though the pre-aligners are just moulds of your teeth as they are already. I didn't quite expect them to feel like they did when he first put them in for me. My mouth felt really big and i started to think what had i done! I then spoke and discovered i had a slight lisp, which defiantly shocked me as i wasn't expecting that. He told me that it was perfectly normal as it was where my tongue was hitting the plastic aligner, he told me to talk all the time, when i was driving on my own, having a shower or just in my bedroom. He told me that my lisp would get better the more i spoke and that i would hardly notice it in my voice when i was talking. The first few days of my pre- aligners were hard, i took paracetamol to help cope with the tightness and pain which helped. My teeth became very sensitive so i went to Boots and got some sensodyne toothpaste which really helped with the sensitivity. I have to wear my pre-alligners for about two weeks until my real aligners arrive and then i will go back for a fitting of my first aligner.

I'm going to insert a few pictures below of what the pre-aligners look like and what my teeth looked like before the treatment.

I will update you on how i'm getting on with my first aligners once i have had them in for a few days.

Smilelign - The invisible aligner system.

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Firstly sorry it's been so long since i've last written on here, i've been so busy with moving jobs and just life in general.

I'm a few weeks into my treatment now but i wanted to document my progress with Smilelign a clear brace company in the UK and let you know how i have been getting on.

For a long time i've been considering getting invisible braces as i've always been self conscious about my teeth especially the top two which have a slight overlap.  I was desperate to get braces when i was younger but unfortunately my dentist said that my teeth weren't considered bad enough for me to get braces on funded on the NHS. At the time i was still in school and defiantly couldn't afford it and i couldn't expect my parents to pay for the treatment so i waited for years until i was in a steady job and i knew i could pay for the treatment on my own 

I finally plucked up enough courage and i have done a lot of research so i decided now was the best time for me in my life to undergo the treatment. I finally decided on Smilelign as i have worked with a few colleagues who have had the treatment done and are more than happy with the results, this helped me make my decision by having someone i could personally talk to and as them about their experiences. I did do my research online before making the big decision but i couldn't find much online about Smilelign nor could i find anyone's personal experiences. 

Let me tell you a bit about Smilelign and why i decided to choose them over invisalign or any other clear brace company. Smilelign is an invisible aligner system that gives you a straight smile without having to have fixed metal braces and wires. The invisible aligners are designed to fit comfortably in your mouth 23 hours a day. You are only aloud to take out the aligners when you are eating and brushing your teeth. Once you have finished the course of treatment you are then given your final aligner which is to be worn every night to stop your teeth from moving. The prices are much more affordable which makes it a popular choice these days as a pose to other invisible aligner systems which can be pricey depending on how serve your case is. My case is a mild case as i only have an overlapping on my front tooth and my two bottom teeth are pointed in. My case has cost me £2,000 which includes a course of whitening and slight filling of my teeth at the end of the treatment. This is much more affordable as a pose to when i got a quote for invisalign which is another clear aligner competitive, they assessed my teeth and told me i was on the serve side and gave me the price of £4,000.

I'm going ahead with the treatment and have had a 10 minute chat with a dentist in Basingstoke that my colleagues have recommended and he spoke to me about the treatment, what to expect and answered any questions i had. I will let you know how my next appoitnment goes in my next post, the next step is to go and have impression moulds done which he will send off to the Smilelign Labatorary. They will then go ahead and make my pre aligners which i will wear for 2 weeks before getting my real aligners. 

If you have any questions please don't hesistate to comment below and i will answer them, I'm actually one week into my first set of aligners so i will write about how i'm getting on with them in a few posts time. 

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