Firstly i want to say
SORRY for not posting over the last few days. I've been back working evenings so by the time i get home and get sorted and take my make up off i'm shattered! Anyway i had today off work as me and my dad took part in a
HOLGATHON We travelled to Portsmouth to a small gallery called Bonzo which is an open gallery to take part in the competition. They gave you a hire
HOLGA camera which is a smallish plastic camera that was made in China around 1982, we were given a 120 format film camera which gave us 12 exposures. Once our camera were loaded with the film and sealed shut we were then given a packet of instructions and opened them all together. The packet included a map around Portsmouth and 12 subjects, we had to take one shot for every subject. I was expecting the subjects to be fairly standard like people and viewpoints but they weren't anything like i was thinking. A few subjects i remember were wrinkled, tasty and rawrrr which defiantly were open for my own interpretation. Overall i had a really lovely day but there was a lot more walking then i expected and defiantly was not thinking straight when i decided to wear some new shoes i had brought the other day, my feet are covered in blisters!
I've added a few photo's below of my day! ENJOY!
I'd love to hear if anyone has tried using a HOLGA and how they found using them?
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