New Look

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Thought i'd do a bit of a different post today as i went shopping after i finished work this afternoon with my sister and my mum. We decided to have a bit of a last minute shop before my sister heads to University tomorrow! I met them both in New Look in town which i haven't been to in AGES as i always just go to my smaller store closer to where i live. It's a smaller store but it seems to have better sales and a better range of clothes it's just a bit of a shame it's closing down next week. I asked the sales assistant in there why it was closing and she said that because it's outside town they don't seem to get the sales so they have started to stop stocking the store as there losing out. It makes sense but it's just such a shame as i much prefer it!
Anyway i headed to the bigger store in town today and found they had LOVELY vintage room decor ( if that's the correct word for frames and room "stuff") Straight away i spotted a lovely necklace stand and realised it was 3 for 2 and quickly found 2 other items i fell in love with! I picked up a love photo frame and a caged heart that you stick photo's from. So i've been in a bit of a DIY mood this afternoon and have hooked both frames nicely in my room for all to see! I just need to find some photographs i haven't already got on my wall to fill them!

I've got such a BUSY evening and day tomorrow! I've been helping my sister finish some last minute packing and she is pretty much ready to "fly the nest" as they say! I've got to paint my nails tonight too, i'm thinking of trying out the OMBRE FADE that's been going around on different blogs. I'm thinking of trying darker pink to light pink i just hope it turns out ok! I'll try and stick a picture up tomorrow if i have time! I also have to pick my boyfriend up from his house this evening as he's coming with me tomorrow to Oxford in my car as my parents car is pretty much full up! I've finally got to move all my pictures and music from the old family mac as my sister is brining that with her tomorrow and transfer it all onto either my iPad or on my new mac. I keep putting it off as it's going to take ages and i'm not 100% sure how to transfer it all either so if anyone has ever done it let me know!


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