My Skin and Dermalogica Skin Products.

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Thought i'd write a post about my problematic skin! It has always been an issue for as long as i can remember. I must have tried EVERY product in boots by now and am no better! I'm always drawn to the products that "promise" to reduce redness within 4 hours, let me tell you that they are all liars! It's NEVER worked for me and i must have tried 5 different brands that all promise the same! I've tried face wash after face wash and scrub after scrub and none so far have come to my rescue and cured my acne problem! I've been to the doctors who insists it isn't as bad as i think but have thankfully have given me different solutions and tablets that so far haven't worked! I'm going back to see my doctor tomorrow in hope he'll give me the MAGIC CURE! I have been told by my 18 year old sister (who has the most perfect skin!) that it isn't that bad but i think because it's my face and i'm the one looking in the mirror and waking up to a new spot every morning it feels awful!

To sum my skin up i'd describe is as very oily which i've been told causes the spots. So i've also tried every oil free moisturiser but after a few days it always leaves me with dry patches on my face so i'm back to square one and using good old Nivea soft moisturiser!

Recently i've decided that i needed a better foundation that gave me more coverage which in turn would hopefully give me a bit more confidence after searching reviews online i came across  a foundation by Clinque. I RAN out the next day to my local Debenhams and brought the anti blemish foundation, which i feel has helped cover my spots! The lady who was selling me the foundation felt so sorry for me she gave me lots of free samples of their 3 step routine products. I've tried the soap bar, the toner and the moisturiser for a good few weeks now but again like all the other products i've tired before they improve my skin for a few weeks and some how if it's even possible my skin gets use to the products and decides to go back to old spotty ways! I decided today that it was enough i needed to go and try something different.

I've heard a lot about the DERMALOGICA brand and all their different skin products i just had no idea what one was best for me and to start off with. The women was REALLY nice and gave me plenty of samples and a booklet to go home with! I'm VERY excited to try them all out and am still staying hopeful it will be my miracle product! I'm going to start using the samples pictured below tonight and i'll give you an update in a few weeks time and hopefully if they are right for me i'll treat myself to the full size bottles!

If anyone else has skin problems and have found their MIRACLE please comment below! I'm WILLING to try anything!


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