I've found the most perfect empty shop in the town centre that i want to buy and turn into an AMAZING cupcake shop and cute cafe, well for starters i'm only twenty, i have NO idea how to run a business and thirdly haven't got HALF as much as i need to buy a shop! ( The shop is still vacant i walk past it most days on the way to work, it's just the right size and it's got white cute windows it's just PERFECT!)
Last week i wanted to go into FASHION and create different items of clothes and open my own small BOUTIQUE! Well as i've found with all my career ambitions i don't have ANY fashion qualifications or experience!
SO this week i want to become a make up artist for telly shows such as Casualty and do all the GORY make up but as my parents kindly remind me i have no beauty qualifications and it's a really HARD industry to get in to.
So these are a few of my high hopes and career ideas over the past few weeks. As you can see they are VERY different from one another. I know i'm still twenty well twenty - one in about three weeks but i feel like most people know what they want to do career wise by now or are studying to get the qualifications they need in order to get their DREAM CAREER! I know i'm pretty set on not going back to University to get a BA Hons in something or other but i'm starting to question will i get anywhere in life without one? I've got my GCSE's and my A Levels but is that enough? SO many questions that no-one can answer i'm DEFIANTLY one of those people who hate not mapping out their future or it not going the right or which direction to go!
All i know is that i want to be in a job that makes me wake up in the morning and not dread the day ahead, i want to be able to wear my own clothes so show my personality as at the moment i'm having to wear a uniform and i HATE it! I have to wear ALL black and i just think dressed in all BLACK is so depressing! I also want to be one of those women who you see in LONDON carrying nice bags and wearing high heels! I just want to have the PERFECT career!
I am the only one who feels like they need their life MAPPED out in front of them?
Taken from the cute website http://weheartit.com/ |
I hope you can open a cupcake store one day, sounds like a really cute idea!
LoveFaye xoxo